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Statistics for Senior Trainee in Psychiatry


Statistics is about extracting meaning from data and interpreting the reality. In this training series, we will introduce concepts of statistics with emphasizes on the application of statistical methods and techniques to analyse clinical data. The course sequence begins with basic concepts and then moves to more advanced topics in biostatistics, such as multiple regression, etc. Practical aspects of the methodology and the interpretation of the results will be focused in the course. Examples will be drawn from clinical settings.



Upon completion of this training, participants should be able to

  1. Understand the basic principles of statistical test and how they relate to clinical studies;

  2. Understand the common statistical techniques, tests and terminology used in studies that are presented in the popular press and health related journals;

  3. Be familiar with the sources of clinical data, how to interpret such data and how to perform basic tests to evaluate them;

  4. Be familiar with the concept of statistical inference and applying statistics and interpreting result properly.





Schedule of the lectures

Video lecture of each session will be uploaded on every Friday and the video will be last for three days.


13th November 2020 - Introduction, data type and descriptive statistics


20th November 2020 - Probability, Normal Distribution, and data management


27th November 2020 - Null Hypothesis testing and p-value


4th December 2020 - “Parametric” tests and “non-Parametric” test I


11th December 2020 - “Non-Parametric” tests II and choice of statistical test


18th December 2020 - Correlation and regression analysis


8th January 2021 - Revision and Q&A sessions



18th December 2020 - Correlation and regression analysis


Please leave your name for attendance
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